Monday, December 13, 2010

so stupid

boy are dumb! i hate them but you cant live without em'!!
why? why are they are so stupid and dumb and so dang cute!? i hate it!
they are so confusing on moment and then their all like telling you their  life story the next day.
Then they're all furstrating and weird and you never know whats going on.
i've decided that i'm never liking anyone til im 16
like my mom said why would you have a boyfriend, when you can flirt with the whole school?!?
hah yes she did say that to my face.
but.. yeah thats all. i've decided
even though almost everyone has a boyfriend/girlfriend and they're all lovey
and then they feel awkward when you dont have one too!
what is this?
wait i know! its stupid freakin jr high school
.. i cant for high school

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