Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The man upstairs & a 119 call

i talked to my seminary teacher today about that thing thats going on in my life
yess i cried a little
i couldnt talk for a bit
he smiled at me very nicely til i could talk.

i like my seminary teacher hes very great
jk hes so sick
anyways he talked me and gave me some advice anf helped me with it
and yeah.
its all good(:
i feel a lot better

he is inspired
seminary is so amazing

and i am preparing for everything that comes my way hopefully it wouldnt be too bad
thanks for all your help i feel great(:
i love you guys so much (emilee, austyn and anonymous)
really thank you so much
you are quite amazing honestly im glad to know you(:

Monday, September 26, 2011

119, we got a problem.

im the mia maids president now and..

i dont want it. at all.
i am not fit for this calling.

i've make too many mistakes daily and i hurt someone once a week.
and i just cant do it..

my life is up side down and backwards at the same time. obviously its not supposed to work that way.
im just too busy for anything
people think im too "cool"

i hate that so much

it makes me sound like a prissy chick which im NOT
people avoid talking to me cause they think i will judge them or something

i hate that also

why are people so complicated?!
the more i try to be myself the more im wrong
so i try to be some else
that doesn't work either
i wish i was someone else
who's life was less complicated..

i know these are my trials but i cant take it.

i think the beatles put it best

im just the wrong person!!

im not fit for it!
i cant handle my own life how am i supposed to try to help others?
i just dont know

Saturday, September 24, 2011

quess yes?

Quess what?
(that was not a g.. if you didnt notice..)

Guess what?!
26 random things about me 
(cause who really writes 26 things about them. its kinda random)

i thought since its been awhile you should get to know me again(:
i frequently change
and oh honey you dont know anything about me(:
well that a lie but its still fun(;
ohkaayy here it goes

1. ive never touched a llama and i really want to. so bad.
2. i cant play sports i can only run cause im not coordinated at all
3. my favorite celebrity would be Brad Pitt i think hes handsome(:
4. The ocean owns my heart!
5. i think ketchup ruins food blah. i hate it i will only eat it on fries!
6. hopeless romantic = me
7. my front teeth are half fake 
8. i have peed my pants laughing before haa i dont recommend it
9. taylor swift?! i totally love her yess
10. sunset to midnight would be my favorite time of day.. which would mean i dont really have a favorite time of day..
11. i wish i had a dog, they're so cute. just like a little lap dog er something(:
12. i do want to be taller it isnt as great as it seems
13. if there was a real live super hero i would prefer, batman or thor
14. when i was little i had a super deep voice! ask my mom she could tell you stories
15. i love seminary with all my heart. its my FAVORITE-EST class ever. 
16. Dont make me watch alien junk, cause i wont
17. i think if i was a crayon i would be florescent pink the kind that blinds people haa(:
18. i cant spell very well..
19. i am so attracted to straight teeth!! its so bad. i think im addicted to staring at them. people probably think im a freak oh well(;
20. So stoked for the festival of colors with olivia! and its only septemeber. ohmyholicow
21. I adore people with blue eyes(: ...and i also adore that one kid with those brown eyes that melt my heart... haa..(:
22. i'd give anything to have my bbf back): emilee keele of course
23. painting is my stress reliever
24. i really want to name a kid spencer austin (last name)
25. writing letters and notes is the best
26. i have a friend named isom who is at the moment my favorite  he is coming up from arizona to visit(: you should meet him hes amazingly awesome

that was fun
the best part is thinking of all the things to write
i hope you enjoy(;
now i get to go clean

love miss megan

Ohmycrap yessss

these people are amazing just sayin

heavens! its so precious it makes me cry
i love love(:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

weather report: rain check?

bad news
as of tuesday i am sick
so.. I cant do anything really.
and i cant speak. at all
rain check pleasee?
i have good news and well.. just news i guess
so ive made goals yay(:
i dont believe you saw my school goals oh well id like to share you my new goals as of last week.
i am going on a little dieting thing and trying to eat heathly. yay health so yeah i will be doing that and lets see..
for health im doing my make a difference project on my little brother.
and i am trying to control my expressions and attitude cause i  think i scare people with them. haaha weirrd ut i am and i am so stoked!
love kisses hugs
miss megan(;

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Forever changed.

As we remember what little we saw on September 11, 2001 we still ache for the lose.
Though I was small, I remember the terror and sadness on my parents faces and how they spent the whole day watching the buildings. I remember watching them explode. How horrified the people on the screen looked.
I don't remember much from then, but its a great part of my life now.
Though I wasn't there watching them fall, or feeling the smoke and dust in my lungs and my heavy heart sink
Though I never heard the cries of the people or felt the pain of knowing they will never sit by you again,
I cry.
I shed  tears on this day for the lost, the loved, for the grieve of another and their pain
even though that not mine. It still feels like bullet through my heart and I pray for them. To heal the holes in their own souls. To be even stronger than they were.
This nation is changed forever.

never forget


Saturday, September 10, 2011

growing up

you know whats weird?
growing scares me a bit.  ah i said it!
I don't know.. i've never been REALLY hurt but once and thats a different story. so..... I don't want anyone stabbing me in the heart or anything. Im really nervous/excited/scared/happy for dances and dating
by the way, is there any boy my age who is stupid?? no offence.
no one is even interested so whateves

I have no idea who im going to ask to sweethearts at all cauze everyone has a girlfriend *geez*
btw boyfriends and girlfriends arent good for you. they give you headaches and then they will stomp on your heart and pretend they love you again and then drop you like a potato and then you have to crush all the drama and rumors about you and him its just a mess and all you get is a scar and maybe your first kiss.. idk.
i guess..
im just not interested in anyone either
i think a bunch of kids are hott, they are just boyz still though.

this calls for a *taylor swift* song
she has a song for every situation (i bet you money) thats why she is the greatest.
i will find one i swear

kay love miss megan

Sunday, September 4, 2011

umm.. i like teeth

What makes someone beautiful?
is it there lips or eyes
their hair color or their skin color?
the thickness of their eye brow or the straightness of their teeth?
the fitness of the body, the personality of themselves, or their spirit?
nose, fingers, finger nails, hair, eyes, ears, cheeks, shape, eye brows, chin, face, legs, calfs, butt, feet, color, skin, freckles, neck, waist, upper body?
haa anywayss...
when i look at someone (particularly a boy) the first thing i look at is
their teeth and lips
hair color
and then their eyes.
cause those are my favorite features(: for mostly everyone

things i love to watch when talk to people are their eye brows and their mouth its kinda funny how people talk(: i love it i think its so funky. haaha and and how poeple always use there hands. people watch it makes you smile to know others are quirkier than you.

what do you look for in the other gender or the same gender?
cuz i want to know duh
LOve miss megan