Tuesday, August 16, 2011

back behind bars..

so last week of freedom
:(  <------ sad face

but wait! we are not going to back to the crappy place we used to call school!
whaaaat? i know its weird
im  going to be a squashmore(;
well i am pretty excited and scared and nervous and giddy. obviously i have problems
so i feel so weird and old..
im going to be driving.
and dating.
and going to dances..
and getting ask out...
and and doing stuff....
so soon.
its weird that i will be able to date soon
i've spent so much time refusing to date and NOT doing it, its its just so weird
hahaa me and livvey already have one planned.
its just so weird!!!

anyways her are my classes
haa! jk jk you will just have to find out later
i hope to see you there my friend
peace and love
<3 wilber

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