Friday, January 13, 2012

My Box Fioni 2

So the 1st part of my box!!! woot
Yeah this box is like my story basically.(:
its a fun box

This is whats in there
we all have a stroy to tell
(I totally just stole that off a song but you know whatever)
Yeah I actually took hunters education and I know how to use a gun.. just sayin. haha(;
Kay that christmas card is my absolute favorite! My BFF gave it to me(: shes the best
The orange is our song. 
I felt awesome when I got this. cause shes just cool and happy to kick people butts.
As you can see it only says "mega" that's cause she ran out of room, haha
oh and the red line that says megan on it?
yeah behind that red line it says "love Rich and Janae johnson"
bahahaha this card was given to her before it got to me(:
BEST. CARD. EVER. it always makes me smile

Okay well. Then there my other friend from efy's note

 Yeah my nickname was shawty.. haa
He told me how he loved meeting me at efy and how he would be sad if we never saw each other again. and how awesome efy was. it was really cute..(: I love it. haha we are best friends now. so yeah lifes good(: yeeeh
and then there the fortune..
There is very little that I can tell you
Because you are so good
You have a great gentleness, and pure moral principles,
a merciful affectionate and constant heart, slightly melancholy.
Inventive genius of mechanical arts...ha, are independent and 
have little patience with conventional ways of living.
Lover of music, very changeable in opinion.
After middle age you will inherit a fortune
which you will have to defend in court.
I predict that you will have great success in life, in general,
very small changes in your daily routine 
are necessary to bring you to the top of the latter

my lucky number is 4
sweet beans right?!
oh I know(:
oh I love my fioni box(:

1 comment:

Olivia Petty said...

oh my heck.
I love that card.
I love that you love that card.
I laughed. so hard.