Friday, October 22, 2010

im feel....

i am feeling sad, you know how  i was sad a lot last year? maybe, someone does
its like that, but different
i feel like i cant get out
like im stuck forever. *sigh*
i dont know what to do...
i have to talk about it but i dont want anyone to know
(so why are you putting your feelings on a blog again) shut up doris dumb i want to write about something and i dont know what to say and im feel awkward and stressed and tired
all. the. time.
idk i feel weird):
and the callbacks are coming which doesn't help
and i have a hater for a little bit which makes it even worse
and other stuff that if i tell you will slap me
most likely.
cause of reasons......
reasons like i dont like things about me. yeah...
this is dumb
i am going to go eat sunshine and rainbows...


Olivia Petty said...

i love you

megz said...

you just made my day