Thursday, August 11, 2011

After today..

AfTeR ToDay

I wish..
i could double date.. i want to make green and purple(: haha
boys would disappear til i am 16
i could speak spanish

I hope ..
i never go to those countries that will eat dirt for food
high school is cool so much cooler than i think it is
the lifeguards arent scared of me...

I want..
the festival of colors. now.
to chill with someone!!!!
maroon 5. i want to hear him sing

I will never..
Eat a hot dog again
think of cheerleading the same again
work when i am tired

No matter what i do i will always..
be a flirt.
love my brody
be blushing

well.. obviously i had a good day.
love megan


Olivia Petty said...

festival of colors yes.
you and me megan(:
and you know.
boys too.

megz said...

sweat yes!